Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Power Posing

As a coach I am always observing body language.  We say a lot to others without saying much at all with our non-verbal cues.  When I go to watch games I am watching coaches and players body language during the action of the game, timeouts, and on the bench.  I think we are all aware of how body language influences the feelings and thoughts of those around us but what I found interesting is how body language impacts how we think and feel about ourselves.

Amy Cuddy, a social pyschologist, talks about this at her TED talk.  She addresses how certain power poses done for 2 minutes can change how our minds think. We can use our bodies to change our minds. Our minds can change our behaviors. Our behaviors can change our outcomes.  In essence we are using our body to trick our mind into being more confident.  We are using our body to fake it until we make it.  The goal though is to fake it until you become it.

The next time you are being evaluated say at a job interview, social event, or giving a speech try and take two minutes to yourself before the event and perform one of these high power poses. These power poses will impact your presence.

CEO Poses                                                                                                                                                  Superman Pose
Victory Pose

"Tiny tweeks lead to big changes."

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